Why YouTube Marketing Strategy is Most Important?

When we require entertainment, explanation or even just a way to pass the time where do most of us turn to – YouTube. YouTube is visited by nearly a quarter of the world’s population every month, parading 2 billion and according to Alexa’s top sites, is the second most popular website in the world. This means that a Youtube Marketing strategy is one of, if the most important tool in a brand or service provider’s arsenal. The red and white glow of YouTube attracts marketers, in which 78% consider it to be the most effective platform for ads. This is because 80% of shoppers start their decision making process by watching a YouTube video pertaining to the product and 43% of online buyers will purchase a product seen from YouTube video ads. All this sings one simple tune – YouTube works. It is time you had a YouTube marketing strategy that effectively capitalises on this. As a YouTube Advertising Agency UK, Shape The Market recognises the importance of YouTube and offers a bespoke, tailored and individual plan to fully maximise your brand or service’s potential.

YouTube can appear to be quite daunting, competitive and ultimately, we know as consumers that ads can be equally as destructive to a relationship as it is to building one. This is because the wrong type of ad to the wrong demographic is an unproductive marketing strategy. Any YouTube Advertising Agency UK knows Youtube is the most widely used social platform among US adults with a 73% active presence and 81% of parents with children aged 11 or younger let their kids watch YouTube. What does this mean? It means you need to know your audience or else risk improper advertising. However, YouTube is one of the few platforms which has a breakdown of analytics. Shape The Market can ensure that your demands are met through video and ad campaigns, with the appropriate testing and maintenance. The way your ads are delivered are just as important as the content of the ad itself.

YouTube provides a different kind of marketing experience. After the impact of Covid on social relationships, YouTube was a means for many to gain interaction. This is why 65% of users say YouTube content feels like real life because of its connection to individuals’ hobbies and daily activities. This means that YouTube is incredibly personal to the lives with which are being marketed to. Shape the Market makes certain that this connection is not severed, through full integration, analysis and monthly reporting. Personalising your YouTube marketing strategy is just as important as having one.

Video ads propagated through YouTube are powerful. They make an audience receptive to a message and cause them to imagine the product or service in use. It effectively means that YouTube marketing must be memorable in the right way or else risk turning off a potential user. As a YouTube Advertising Agency UK, Shape the Market offers a tri-layered plan including: True View ads, Pre-roll ads and bumper ads. Finding out what strategy works for you is crucial to your success and this is our pledge to you.

Published by Shape The Market London UK

Shape The Market™ is an award winning digital marketing agency based in London United Kingdom. Provides marketing solutions, services and training.

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